
  • 课程分类:演讲口才
  • 原始价格:20,000 优惠价格:20,000
  • 所在地区:北京
  • 发布机构:北京交通大学GSS国际暑期学校


 Course Description 

Speaking clearly and comfortably in public is a valuable, and often essential skill to posses. 

The purpose of this course is to prepare to you various academic and other situations in 

which you will be required to speak in front of others. Therefore, you will be given 

opportunities to develop and strengthen your skills of preparing and delivering short, 

informal presentations, as well as longer speeches. While theoretical foundations will be 

included, this is a practice-oriented course. 

Some of you might find the emphasis on performance frightening; however, the personal 

reward you will feel for acquiring public speaking skills will be great. We will videotape 

some of the speeches you will give in class, and you will be able to analyze your own 

performance, and get feedback from me and from your classmates. This will unable you to 

gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker. By repeating this exercise and 

delivering multiple speeches in class, you will gain more experience and confidence in this 

art of public speaking. 



布朗大学人气教授 | Ofira Shraga



Ofira Shraga


“ we will focus ondeveloping behavioral skills that will enable students to perform better andbecome more valuable members of organizations. ” Ofira Shraga


Ofira Shraga在布朗大学教授擅长教授组织行为学、组织情感、团体动态和领导力。Ofira Shraga在特拉维夫大学商学院获得博士学位。她的专业领域是组织行为学。她的论文探索员工的精力工作满意度与多种工作角色之间的关系。在她的研究中她既使用定性的方法论又使用定量的方法论。Ofira是在一次与拜访布朗大学,与布朗大学领导座谈中被布朗大学多位领导劝说留在布朗大学任教,发展布朗大学商科。之后因Ofira教授爱上布朗大学和学生,多年教授本科生和研究生课程,深受学生喜爱。同样地,Ofira也成为了2013年GSS暑校深受学生喜爱的教授之一,她的激情与真诚给学生们留下了深刻的印象。同时,2013届暑校的小伙伴们的表现,也令Ofira惊叹不已。她看到了中国学生对知识的渴求,对学术的认真,对美国名校的向往。Ofira对中国学生满满的肯定,最终化为全班学生每人一封推荐信。


